Room for Milly
Tucked along the edge of Platte Street sits a classy, yet affable little cocktail bar created to transport guests to a soirée hosted by one of Denver’s most beloved socialites. We worked with the Room for Milly team to develop a story where the lines of fiction and reality blur, creating a series of detailed, personal, and charming touchpoints throughout the entire experience.

Milly Parker was a gravitational force. When she was in town, everyone knew it. When she was in a room, she filled it. When she told a story, they listened in awe. The name, Room for Milly, was born of the Dorothy Parker quote, “All I need is room enough to lay a hat and a few friends.” To Milly, the only thing more thrilling than traveling the world was to relate her stories, often embellished, to her people. Her room, which was more of a salon, was the only place she allowed herself to slow down, sit still, and enjoy an evening with those that you love.

The illustration style is reminiscent of hastily-inked artifacts within a travel journal. They are intentionally messy, intimate, and immediate—foils to the otherwise elegant treatment of the brand.

Made at Perky Bros
CD + Branding/Logo Design: Jeff Perky
Design + Illustration: Dana Kingery
Project Management + Copywriting: Alden Dienethal
Photography: Fortem Media + Ambrose Vargason

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